Sweet Wasabi Sushi © 2010 kit

Sweet Wasabi Sushi

Another visit to The Encyclopedia of Sushi Rolls, this time with simpler fare. We have real wasabi in powder form in the freezer where it seems to keep rather well. I found it intriguing to find a use for it as the star ingredient in a hosomaki (thin roll) so I had to give it a try.

The gari (pickled ginger) was to lift a sweet balance. I found it interesting for two sushi condiments taking centre stage for sushi, but I think I used too much or that real freshly-grated wasabi is milder.

Sweet Wasabi Sushi

Sweet Wasabi Sushi

Lunch ingredients: sweet wasabi hosomaki on rocket, edamame skewers, lemon slice, meat balls, red onion slices.

The rocket and onion were intended to be consumed together as a final salad to the meal.

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