© 2017 kit

Lunch Log: Week 216

Some stirring in the household; though whispers of “carb free” are present I am not bound to such things to avoid the creations of victims by an angry me. Though I know many people with stunning results to withhold complex carbohydrates, I am afraid the consequences would be dire if one were to force me to abstain from rice…

August 7

Almost vegetarian but I had left overs. Lunch is pickled radish, simmered hijiki and carrot, spinach tamagoyaki, smoked salmon, 70g of rice with yukari, steamed broccoli, carbless tabbouleh and a pickled baby beetroot

August 8

In typical ‘strayan style, a fusion monstrosity. Lunch is mazegohan (seseame, simmered hijiki and carrot), meatloaf, tomatoes, pickled radishes, steamed broccoli, beetroot salad and quick pickled cucumber

August 9

Nothing beats fresh rice… Not the healthiest today. Lunch is tomato, carb-free quiche, meatloaf croquette, spinach goma-ae, 70g rice with an umeboshi, steamed broccoli, quick pickled cucumber and bean sprouts with oyster sauce

August 10

After being shown some Python, I couldn’t help not want some fishy fishy fishy fish! Lunch is green beans goma-ae, roasted capsicum, a bit of rice with pan fried sea bream, a balsamic vinegar dressed salad and steamed broccoli

August 11

Still feeling down, so this treat has been on my mind almost all day. Lunch is carbless quiche, karaage, rice with yukari and an umeboshi, balsamic vinegar dressed salad and steamed purple sprouting broccoli.

At least it’s Friday, wooo!

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