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Lunch Log: Onigiri Action Week 180

I was pretty much flagging about lunch – complacency into cheese toasties and depression into how much weight I’ve gained over the years – when it was a news story I read in a foreign tabloid ‘news’ paper that I discovered the World Food Day Campaign. Despite the name, the campaign is to run from October 11th to the 30th of November.

So I have been called to #onigiriaction – hope I can post once a day before the end of the campaign since each post submitted the organisers pledge to provide 5 school meals for children in need.

October 14

It’s been a month avoiding cheap meat, so this is a welcome sight: salt marsh lamb from undoubtedly a small producer. Not that this means a return to the usual, I hope to continue this reduced meat intake for health and ethics. Lunch is roast lamb leg, steamed sugar snap peas, pickled radishes, tomato, tamagoyaki, soy and roast garlic eggplant and umeboshi onigiri.

October 17

As I discovered last time, taco rice in my bento bako is not ideal, but eating the rice separately works. Lunch is veggie chilli with yogurt, cheddar and jalapeños, tamagoyaki, soy eggplant, tomato and onigiri (plain and a kombu no tsukudani)

October 18

If an umeboshi a day keeps the doctor away, does two mean they’ve sent you a restraining order? Lunch is ginger eggplant, veg chilli croquette, jalapeños, pickled radish, tomato, tamagoyaki and 2 umeboshi onigiri

October 19

An austere looking lunch taken late, but I’ve been running mainly on caffeine and thus would be sufficient. Lunch is a wakame, sesame seed and yukari onigiri

October 20

Overkill today, but it seems wrong to say I’ve too much rice. Lunch is ginger eggplant, pickled radish, tomato, stuffed jalapeño, miso mixed veg and a pair of onigiri with miso, ‘negi’ and roast garlic.

October 21

It’s cake day, so I’ve reduced the amount of food to what is appropriate. Lunch is a spicy prawn mayo onigiri

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