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Lunch Log: Week 171

What I like about May is that daylight savings really starts making the days feel better with the longer period for sunlight, it is definitely warming up and the local farm shop just constantly has their own-grown asparagus in stock.

This is the real deal – I don’t think I can ever buy them from a supermarket ever again…

May 16

Very simple today, but it ticks a few boxes: locally grown asparagus, “local” tomatoes, local rapeseed oil, no animals, and it’ll probably piss of a die-hard Italian. A fusion of English and Italian – it was refreshing, not heavy but tasted rather hearty considering.

May 17

BBQ season proper has begun; my stomach rejoices. Lunch is butter asparagus, okra, pickled radishes, tomato, BBQ zucchini, BBQ lamb chop, lychee dessert and an umeboshi.

May 18

Something something spring, something lamb, something asparagus. Descriptions are easier when I don’t have to think. Bowled up linguine with BBQ lamb chop, spinach, steamed asparagus, semi dried tomatoes, leftover pasta sauce and BBQ zucchini

May 19

This sight, it pleases me. The salmon is also perfectly done. Lunch is tamagoyaki, steamed asparagus, tomato, shiozake, okra, rustic style Korean spinach, steamed broad beans, umeboshi and a lychee dessert

May 20

I probably should of limited myself to one rice ball but I do like having a pair. Lunch is spinach namul, miso marinated salmon, tomato, grilled okra and onigiri (umeboshi and hijiki with yukari and sesame seeds)

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