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Lunch Log: Week 89-93 (October 2014)

If any observers would have noticed, October is punctuated by beer event that has become a regular annual ritual. It’s been its lucky third time in existence, and once again ‘home’ is a conveniently located hotel (same one every year so far!) for most of that week. The first year I was rather organized and packed a huge ‘road trip’ lunch (it’s not exactly far from home; but the UK is not exactly expansive) but I’ve not followed through afterwards. Besides being at a hotel for a few days my liver’s working overdrive during this event so I doubt I’d be in the right state to be cooking anything either!

Despite this it’s been a fairly varied month – from slow roast beef ribs, an extraordinary scotch egg, to normal but tasty ‘regulars’ like bibimbap and curry.

This month would of been good to forage for mushrooms but it didn’t seem like there was enough time; perhaps next year (or grow some kit ones perhaps)

Week 89

Week 90

Major deadline alert! Lunch is exceedingly basic today and eaten late too.. Roast autumnal veggies with spices, rocket and BBQ piri piri chicken. My stomach is fine but I think my brain is having a meltdown

Major deadline alert! Lunch is exceedingly basic today and eaten late too.. Roast autumnal veggies with spices, rocket and BBQ piri piri chicken. My stomach is fine but I think my brain is having a meltdown

A single entry this week – it’s a rather important beery event..

Hopefully, perhaps a scheme to furiously cook huge batches (think osechi) next year might be the best way to tackle the handicaps of this period.

Week 91

Week 92

Week 93

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