Ginger Eggplant & Lamb © 2010 kit

Ginger Eggplant & Lamb

What is glorious about a Sunday roast is that if you have made too much then the rest can be eaten as leftovers, and roast leg of lamb is quite a treat! Alongside eggplant, they make a perfect pair.

However, out of all the items in my lunch the distinct odor of kimchi was commented on. So unless you work with many Koreans or fans of Korean food I don’t recommend bringing it to work with you unless it is in a more benign form (like kimchi pancakes.) If you do prefer solitude, then no need to heed that warning!

Ginger Eggplant & Lamb

Ginger Eggplant & Lamb

Lunch contents: plain onigiri with nori, potato salad, eggplant simmered in soy sauce and ginger, home-made kimchi, roast lamb on a bed of rocket with sesame dressing

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