© 2016 kit

Lunch Log: Week 153

Ah, not the best types of week to occur so early in the year – I hope it’s not a trend. But if it rains…

Well, if it pours at least I can make myself a decent meal to momentarily distract myself – like having to make gyoza wrappings from scratch. Though it’s not very convenient to have the house painted while one lives in it (thanks Mr. Landlord – you must vote Tory I bet). All in all, a troubling development.

January 11

Looking rather plain today as painters will be interrupting the house for a bit (probably the cue for a big rent increase soon 🙁 ) The only real cooking did at least produce some flavour, if only more rice to go with it was possible! Lunch is rocket, tomato, mapo tofu* (beef), steamed purple sprouting broccoli and bread-and-butter pickles.

If I had more ingredients this mapo tofu would be… improved (I need the practise). Hopefully I can reclaim the kitchen for more side dishes tomorrow

* Not accurately reproducing my go-to recipe

January 12

Feeling very stupid for having to make gyoza wrappers from scratch since I’ve not visited the shop that stocks the stuff for a while. But as needs must, so gyoza must be. Lunch is pork gyoza (with red cabbage), soy and ginger eggplant, tomato, pickled radish, ginger bean sprouts and carrot and red cabbage kimpira.

I wish I could eat more but I’d need more wrappers 🙁 I guess I’ll be rolling more out tonight

January 13

Ended up in the pub last night so no new wrappers yet. But I did have my lunch ready before the painters arrived – finally, they’ve avoided my pajama-look! Lunch is orange carrots, tomato, pork gyoza, fish-fragrant eggplant, stir fried bean sprouts and cauliflower and an umeboshi.

January 14

Alas no wrappers, as cleaning the kitchen and making curry took up the evening. But it all was delicious and the kitchen is the tidiest its ever been. Lunch is steamed pork “meatballs”, tomato, stir fried bean sprouts, fish-fragrant eggplant and aloo gobi

January 15

Home alone, so ronery… Feeling drained but another week bites the dust and I get another bite to eat. Delayed lunch is steamed pork meatballs, stir fried bean sprouts, tomato, aloo gobi, carottes râpées and onigiri (hijiki with sesame and yukari; umeboshi with tororo kombu)

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