Colour: white
Roast Beef Noriben
When I was a kid shopping with my mum I’d sometimes ask for devon for my lunch sandwiches, and we’d visit the deli section of the supermarket. The only other items in that section that I’d know before I was able to cook for myself was ‘sausages’ and ‘ham’; ignoring the other items that even […]
Lumpia Makizushi
When I look at my sushi books for ‘makizushi’ I find that some of the fillings seemed rather random. In the spirit of randomness, fusion, and perhaps insanity I decided to try rolling (pun intended) with the batch of lumpia I had made. Lunch contents: quick-pickle cucumber, pickled ginger ‘rose’, steamed broccoli, deep-fried lotus root, […]
Chicken Noriben
I read up on noriben – a basic bento that consists of layers of rice and cupboard staples, where the most basic contains nori, soy sauce and katsuobushi (bonito flakes). As leftovers can also be used, I thought that I should give it a go too. Noriben are notoriously ‘boring’ looking – as most of […]
Gyoza & Bacon
You can also call this one ‘defrosted from frozen’ as most of the side dishes were all freezer stash – the gyoza was defrosted overnight. The bacon wraps simply have greed onion inside, providing a big flavour hit to the otherwise bland rice. Lunch contents: Gyoza, bacon-wrapped spring onion, steamed broccoli, grape tomatoes with carrot […]
Chilli Hamburger
Looking at some japanese bento blogs, I see that the decorative ones tend to have fairly same-y items. I guess that makes it easier to construct and focus in a good-looking ‘feature’. I do like the simplicity of some of them prior to decorating, so I figured it won’t be hard to establish a stash […]
Leftover Quiche
Meat for the week? Check. Leftover BBQ items? Check. And what to do with all those leftover vegetables? Why, make a simple quiche! And that too can also be put in the box! Lunch contents: Cucumber slices, rice, edamame skewers, lemon slice, quiche, grape tomato, bolognese, black sesame, BBQ’d chipolata. Gotta love the local butcher […]
After a few undocumented lunches, it seemed to me that my lunches were rather filling. In fact, they were rather too effective in that matter. Especially after a charaben with heaps of ‘filler’, I was interested in seeing the effect of just using the large tier. Lunch contents: rice, edamame skewers, pickled chillis, hamburger with […]
Shaun the Sheep Charaben
It had been just one or two random dabblings with charaben – ‘character’ bento – that got me wondering should I really bother with it. I frequent e-obento (and others) which sometimes appeals to my aesthetic senses, but more common sense tells me that some things just are too finicky to do. It might of […]
Ragu & Daal
When you have two chefs in the house, you really have no worries about what to pack for lunches when they each both decide to cook something.. Yvan had made ‘meat for the week’ – a large meat dish with a weeks worth for a couple of people (less with more mouths of course). In […]
Checkerboard Sushi
I had run out of ideas for interesting makizushi fillings, so all I did was add mayonnaise and toasted sesame seeds to a crabstick roll. It felt odd not to complete it with more vegetables, but there were plenty of leftover vegetables along with the beans running amok in the backyard and a stash of […]