© 2017 kit

Lunch Log: (Diet edition) Week 210

I wasn’t thinking I might try to recreate a pretty famous bento at the start of the week – it just so happened that my original plans at the onset just didn’t really align… at all. I was planning to peak at having a veggie “katsu curry” and be damned the remaining days with whatever was in the house. Which didn’t turn up with much but we still have plenty of fresh peas at our disposal. And frozen sprats I kept behind. And tinned tuna. I also admit it’s not the best rendition (visually and accuracy) of this bento but I’ve been disappointed with a previous attempt on sakura denbu before so at least my adulterations were more palatable (and ignoring my ‘diet fillers’ to ensure I’m full)

All in all, not too bad considering the staggering amount of ‘stash’ food (frozen foods, pickled items, long-life veg).

June 26

When it’s summer the peas are fresh in the farm shop, and I’ve been meaning to do this one. Lunch is tuna soboro, steamed peas, grilled sprats, umeboshi with rice, miso broccoli stems and cabbage, tomato, steamed broccoli and pickled radishes. More rice than the usual diet, but time will be rare this week.

I’ve actually not watched “My Neighbour Totoro” yet… :/

June 27

Why does the top tier look remarkably similar to yesterday? Because I underestimated the appetite of a wannabe carpenter. Bye curry, bye eggplant katsu.. Lunch is tuna, ginger and spring onion soboro, steamed peas, grilled sprats, rice with an umeboshi, stir fried cabbage stem, Mediterranean roast veg, tomatoes, steamed broccoli, “Asian” coleslaw and a pea pod

June 29

What is this, I’m breaking my diet lunches? Actually, it’s shirataki so I’m counting it as salad… Lunch is rustic Korean style spinach, wild garlic butter and lemon prawns, tomato, rice with yukari and takuan, and a veggie shirataki yakisoba.

A little bit of BBQ and tomato sauce spread out with sake while cooking was effective. And thanks to Maki (of JustBento) for the prawns inspiration!

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