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Lunch Log: Week 162

A very very good yet very very bad week. The bad news is, that there may have been a few things that would go straight to the thighs. The good news is they were cooked by the other half and were indeed very very very tasty.

Also confirms the difficulty in trying to reduce the meat intake; but with the boy at the stove that’s doubly so. Why u so good at cooking that stuff?!

March 14

Finally, a treat: I didn’t cook the pork last night and it’s something I’ve been meaning to make at home. Lunch is red-cooked pork belly, fish-fragrant eggplant, steamed broccoli, tomato, steamed broad beans and green capsicum namul

March 15

Looks like things are a-changing, so I may need to go on hiatus in preparation. Not great. But until then, lunch is spinach namul, steamed broccoli, tomato, red-cooked pork and Mediterranean style roast veggies

March 16

What, another dish I didn’t cook?! It’s a welcome reminder that I’m not the only one that can cook in the house. Lunch is simply slow cooked beef stew, tomato, Mediterranean style roast veggies and steamed broccoli. A very Western style lunch. Except for the rice of course, but there’s no compromise for that!

March 17

Pasta o’clock! Tried an experiment with this one: roast Mediterranean style veggies, oven-semi-dried tomatoes and stewed beef pieces. Looks like meat really isn’t necessary for this dish at all; should of stuck to olives

March 18

Looks like a week showcasing Yvan’s cooking, so perhaps it was time I did something. Lunch is BBQ zucchini, potato salad, honey mustard chicken, steamed broccoli, tomato and an umeboshi.

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