© 2015 kit

Lunch Log: Week 138

Feeling slow to recover but at least we have french beans and some balsamic to make probably the tastiest renditions of bean kimpira I’ve cooked (recipe soon!). Though yellow zucchini is a recent feature in the farm shop, it’s rather convenient there’s still the lacto-fermented dill pickles to provide a contrasting flavour.

September 8




Bluh, so tired after an epic time in Leeds. Not much vegetation at home but I did manage french beans kimpira, crabstick & spring onion fritters, tomato, stir fried zucchini with garlic & ginger, kombu no tsukudani and pickled veg

September 9




OK, I really need to get more veg, this is dire. Lunch is kale goma-ae, tomato, pickled radish, pickled runner beans, miso marinated salmon, zucchini with olive oil & balsamic vinegar. And 2 types of onigirazu (kombu no tsukudani and crabstick with mayo and sesame)

September 10



Sometimes I just don’t have time, or in this case much veg. Linguine with chorizo, garlic kale and cherry tomatoes cooked in olive oil. Status: sleepy

September 11




Oh yes, “The Art of Meat” is truly a source of meaty deliciousness; and this is a “cheap” cut! Lunch is marinated beef flank steak, coleslaw, tomato, garlic & Parmesan kale and dill pickles

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