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Lunch Log: Week 98-102 (December 2014)

This month has been cut rather short – both by law (bank holidays), enforced leave (office Christmas closure) and taking a ‘personal holiday’ (helping out with events) has left December to be one of the shortest (and most tiring) I’ve taken. Being ‘the season’ there’s lots of store cupboard items like reconstituted mushrooms/fungus, frozen food and long-lasting cabbage and carrots.

Despite feeling run down we’ve still managed to do the ‘orphan’ Christmas lunch (ie: friends descend to a designated house where we all gorge ourselves on ‘potluck’ dishes and some traditional Christmas/celebration food) though in ‘evolving’ fashion it was not drawn out to the wee hours of the next morn.

Week 98

Week 99

Week 100

Week 101

Week 102


Definitely the last post of 2014: temarizushi! Snacking on smoked salmon , prawn, avocado and cucumber topped temarizushi as I’m behind the bar to call in the new year

I keep forgetting to take a picture of my potluck dish, but it was another molded sushi.

As an unusual turn this Christmas, it seems 2 other lunch guests had not tried sushi before – and being both cooked and minimal in nori it was a gentle introduction.

As a bonus, the left over ingredients went to a packed lunch during preparation for a new years eve event: it was worth the getting up early to for!

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