© 2017 kit

Lunch Log: Week 200

It’s been a hot-bed of cooking experiments at home: finally bought a takoyaki pan and saltpetre for curing meat – not the most compatible of subject matters but there are the two of us after all. Both experiments need some work but they have been valuable experience.

Though takoyaki is best fresh I wonder if there are other uses for this otherwise single-use device (apparently there is a book about it). Though I definitely can have fun with the octopus as lunch fodder when I’m not up to the non-trivial cooking method for takoyaki.

April 3

Operation takoyaki was a success, but I made too much tempura bits so here we are. Lunch is tanuki udon: seasoned dashi based broth topped with wakame, spring onion, homemade corned beef, okra and tenkasu.

Hojicha is the best cha (OK, maybe after matcha)

April 4

Oh yeah, this is what it’s all about; a highlight to a disappointing spring day. Lunch is tamagoyaki, blanched okra, tomato, fish fragrant eggplant on cabbage and takomeshi with benishoga & takuan

April 6

Feeling full, either from all the rice or the hojicha I’m chugging today. Next time, thus needs to be eaten al fresco! Lunch is steamed broccoli, tomato, tamagoyaki, simmered & hijiki, homemade corned beef, bhindi bhaji, 3 types of onigiri (furikake veg, umeboshi and hijiki with yukari and sesame) and takuan

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