Carrot Kimpira © 2009 kit

Recipe: Carrot Kimpira

You need more vegetables in your diet? Can’t stand nibbling like a rabbit on raw carrots? Never fear – this recipe is fast and easy to whip up, and can be done quickly enough before rushing out the door (provided that you can accommodate a 5 minute cooking time). It’s also pretty flexible to cater for various palettes.

All you need is carrots and most of the seasonings are probably pantry staples.

An example of kimpira in bento

An example of kimpira in bento

  1. First matchstick or vegetable-peel 1-1.5 inch ‘sticks’ of carrot
  2. Heat up some sesame oil, and when warm enough stir-fry the carrots
  3. For a more piquant flavour, add some rice vinegar. Otherwise, if you want to wilt them a little more use white wine or cooking sake
  4. Season with soy sauce and chilli powder according to taste
  5. Cook until most of the liquids have been absorbed
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