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Lunch Log: (Sporadic) Week 175

On Sunday, I had the most appalling “Japanese” meal. Call it nostalgia for the fresh seafood of Sydney and despite the fact that experience has told me that it was not to be in cloistered, ignorant Cambridge – or perhaps post beer festival fatigue – I agreed.

It was not just the seafood. The entire meal consisted of poor quality ingredients and poor execution. I would of had better workmanship in a McDonald’s cheeseburger than the meal I wolfed down. And I understood, as much of a snob I am with food I can still devour items purely for the sustenance; food without pleasure. With the pricetag attached, I regretted that I would of even had a better experience in a McDonald’s for a fraction of the cost too – and in my mental space I stood, completely disgusted at myself. In my head, I wanted to throw up and shake myself: “look what you have done” I would shriek.

So, essentially this ‘week’ in a loosest sense are the lunches I’ve managed to log when I have packed a proper lunch. The unspoken days are mainly of restricted intake, so they are not documented here.

June 15

A slight delay; trying a new ‘diet’ (ie: reduce calorie intake). My ‘foodie’ day returns hopefully not too bad on the oil count… Lunch was lamb katsu, steamed broad beans, Korean style spinach, tomato and steamed asparagus with sumiso dressing (not pictured)

June 22

A lunch day brings a new phone; it’s massive but serviceable. And it captures the delicious duck I hoarded: it was worth it. Lunch is grilled duck breast, steamed spring onions, soy eggplant, tomato, steamed broccoli and asparagus and an onigiri (hijiki with yukari and sesame). Not pictured was sumiso for the bland steamed things, a necessary condiment for one on a diiiiiiiiieeee…t. Man I hope it’s worth it

July 4

To interrupt the currently scheduled food hiatus, I submit this entry in the case I’ll need hospitalization. Lunch is coleslaw, steamed peas in their pods, spinach namul, tomatoes and (raw) salmon and avocado makizushi. Not my best effort (especially the rice); on the plus side if this makes me ill it’ll probably stop the raw seafood cravings

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