Shaun the Sheep Charaben © 2009 kit

Shaun the Sheep Charaben

It had been just one or two random dabblings with charaben – ‘character’ bento – that got me wondering should I really bother with it. I frequent e-obento (and others) which sometimes appeals to my aesthetic senses, but more common sense tells me that some things just are too finicky to do. It might of been Kasumin Yorosiko‘s Shaun the Sheep that got me thinking that there are some characters you can create without hours work.

Shaun the Sheep Charaben

Shaun the Sheep Charaben

Top tier

Top tier

Top tier contents: steamed broccoli, rice, shiitake fried in garlic, crabstick eye ‘whites’, nori ‘pupils’, ragu, edamame.

Bottom tier

Bottom tier

Bottom tier contents: carrot ‘flowers’ garnished with black sesame, simmered parsnip (from the a stew), sliced cucumber, grape tomatoes, broccoli.

The trick is to use cling film to make it easier to shape the rice mounds. Though it did visually appeal, items like the large amount of cucumber and parsnip weren’t great highlights for the lunch. It goes to show: just because it looks good does not automatically make it just as delicious.. I think I prefer more simple but tastier lunches, and leave the more elaborate charaben to the experts.

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